
الأربعاء، 9 يناير 2013

0 The importance of bieng a vision owner

For many years I heard that you had to start with a vision for your business or your life if you really wanted to succeed, but no one could explain to me why it was needed or how it worked from a practical or scientific standpoint.
When I was young and naive, I was skeptical and wanted empirical evidence showing me why I should invest my thoughts and time into really thinking about a vision for my life and business, and why getting absolutely clear by writing it down was imperative to my achieving success.
Even though I couldn’t find adequate answers at the time, reluctantly, I did as others suggested purely because they were far more successful than I. As I was told "don’t ask so many questions" and "just do it," I temporarily gave up my need for so many answers-but not for long.
At the ripe young age of 21, I created a grand vision for my life and my career. Even though I had only graduated from high school, and everyone told me that you need a college degree to really succeed,  I took a different approach and got into business at a very young age.
For the next 26 years, I stayed on a healthy mental diet to train my brain, and followed the belief of allowing the universe to guide me and bring me whatever I needed to fulfill my visions of being financially free and living an extraordinary life.
After building four multi-million dollar businesses-one of which grosses more than $5 billion a year in sales and having made millions of dollars for myself and others, I began to search for the answers to the question I’d had 25 years earlier. Why is having a clear and precise vision so important?
I couldn’t help wanting to know why. As a child I was very curious and my parents could not answer many of the questions I had about success. After all, they only had a total of 5 years of school between them and had never made more than $30 thousand in a year.
Since I wanted more for myself, I sought out the best minds, researchers, and teachers in the world to teach me how to have an abundant life in all areas.
So, what did I learn that you can apply immediately and benefit from my lessons?
Simple: without a clear and precise vision of exactly what it is you want, you’ll never reach it or have it.
Now of course I will not leave you hanging without understanding why.
My research has taken me into the world of quantum physics and neuroscience for the answer to the question "why is it so important to start with a vision?"

0 Knowledge is a tool not a power

Whoever first said that knowledge is power was probably selling encyclopedias. Knowledge is a tool, like money and influence. Tools are only powerful if they are used effectively. How, then, do you make a headful of knowledge into a powerful tool?
 1. By seeing clearly what can be done.
 2. By seeing clearly your own limitations.
 3. By acting on what you know.
Wise Action, Not Knowledge, Is Power
Investors often learn so much that they think they can consistently predict the course of the stock market. In reality, there are probably fewer than ten old investors that have never lost money. Wise investors know that the best they can do is get the odds in their favor, so they'll have more wins than losses. You have to see the limitations of knowledge.
I can read about how to sing, and even get advice from a voice coach, but I can't sing well. I'm not saying that I could never sing well, only that right now I cannot. If I'm not willing to do what is necessary, then I would be wise to look for a non-singing way to make money. You have to see our own limitations.
The most important part of making knowledge into power, is to act. You can study political philosophy and every aspect of the political process for a decade, and still have no power. Power is in the effective application of what you know.
Imagine an inventor with a hundred ideas on paper. He has a head full of knowledge, and a creative imagination, but nothing to show for it. Now imagine a simple man with one new invention, who understands the limits of innovation without marketing, and sees his own limitations in that area. He seeks out the people that can help, and makes a million. Now that's power.

0 Know more about your thinking style

Thinking it is said is one of the toughest things to do. Many of us say that they will think about something and then revert. You must have heard this many times. Do these people really think? What do they do? Do they look at the problem in total perspective, think about different actions that could be taken and find out the consequences and then find out the best option? No, not many of us do that.
Most of us do sloppy thinking. We don't strain our mind, but find out a convenient answer that does not need much thinking and present that as their conclusion. We come across many issues in our life. Dating, studying, taking a career, selecting a job, look for a home, and so on. Do we think about every option and weigh it or find out cursory details and decide?
You must have read lot of history and geography. How many times did you think about the times described, about the people, the kind of lives they led and their knowledge? not many of us do that. Every news that we come across has something to think about. But we don't. Why none of us thinks about why all of us want to know so much about how celebrities live and their love and career? What does that information give us except some entertainment for few minutes? But we don't think. We don't think about how to use our time effectively.
Do we think about what our political leaders say? Do we think about why we are looking for a date? Do we think about why our relationship is breaking? We pretend to think. But we don't normally carry out any analysis. Sloppy thinking leads us nowhere. It produces bad results. To think means - to try and understand every aspect of the given problem, its past and what the future may entail.
What kind of thinker are you? Why not find out with some fun quizzes about your personality. They will surely make you think.

0 Replace your impossible goals with a possible ones

Many of us, whether we know it or not, live within a prison of our own making. This prison has no metal bars, nor can its walls be seen by the naked eye; however, it is every bit as effective in keeping us from our freedom as a real prison cell. It’s called our comfort zone
Comfort zones can take on a variety of different forms, from the area in which you live and the circle of people with whom you socialise, to the amount of money you earn.
The primary force that keeps you living within your zone is your fear-based belief about what will happen if you move outside it.
Regardless of how ridiculous or unrealistic that belief may be, you will accept it as truth depending on the level of certainty you feel.
Your comfort zone is not really comfortable at all, but is really a virtual prison that keeps you from evolving and growing as a human being.
The bars to that prison are your fears about what may possibly happen if you move beyond them. The key to your freedom therefore lies in the removal of the underlying beliefs that cause those fears to exist.
Just for a moment think about a goal or dream you have that seems somehow out of reach. Now check to see if achieving it requires that you move out of your comfort zone and into unfamiliar territory.
It could be a dream job, a new relationship, starting your own business, losing weight, or living in a totally different part of the world.
As you do this little exercise notice how a subtle feeling of fear or nervousness begins to emerge in your chest or stomach area.
This is your unconscious mind springing into action with the intention of dissuading you from doing anything it perceives may put you in danger.
Most of the time you won’t notice the constant influence your comfort zone plays in your life, and you might find yourself placing the blame for your lack of progress towards your goals on laziness or procrastination.
However, if you stop and consider just for a moment why you can’t seem to get that item crossed off your to-do list, make that phone call, or fill out that application, you will begin to realise the true cause: What you want to do is outside your comfort zone.
It is your beliefs that direct your mind to do this; therefore, in order to break through your self-imposed limitations and achieve the success you desire, you will need to remove them.

0 Renewing the imagination power

It is a common belief that the human brain is somehow empty at birth, and as the child begins to grow and receive stimulus, the neurons start making connections. Science is now discovering, however, that the reverse may be true. The infant is actually born with many more neuron connections than most adults have. It may be that learning does not happen by making neuron connections, but rather by “weeding out” those that are not used. If this is true, then we are all, literally, born with brilliant minds and we must “use it or lose it.”
In the first weeks of life, most babies will babble every possible sound imaginable. Yet, these children will later lose the ability to create sounds that are not a part of the language they have been trained to speak. Therefore, the child’s environment will play a tremendous role in brain development.
Scientists claim that in our society the average individual uses only 5 - 10% of the brain's potential. Imagine what your life could be like if you were able to stimulate your mind into activating even a small portion of that unused potential!
Begin by asking yourself:
1. If I could have anything at all, what would it be?
2. What would I need to do to attain it?
3. What stops me from doing those things now?
4. How can I overcome those challenges to attain the life I desire?
These questions move us into the realms of imagination and positive thinking -- the qualities that will allow you to awaken that other 90% and keep those neurons firing! Now you might say to yourself, “I already have a positive attitude,” or, perhaps “that positive stuff doesn't work -- all I need is willpower!”  But the following demonstration proves that the imagination is far more powerful than willpower can ever be.
Okay, ready for the test? Gather all of your strength and "willpower." Be sure NOT to do the following … here it comes … DON'T think of a red firetruck!!
What happened?
You automatically thought of a red firetruck, right? This is because when the “will” and the “imagination” are in conflict, the imagination always wins. Most people spend a great deal of time telling themselves what they DON’T want, instead of what they DO want. Even with every ounce of willpower they can muster, they somehow end up with more of the same old thing. That’s because the mind works in pictures, not words. Imagination is the secret ingredient of life. If people imagine themselves “rich,” regardless of the amount of money they have, chances are they will be healthy and strong and live an abundant life. If a rich man imagines himself poor or on the brink of losing his fortune, it is likely that trouble and sickness will plague him to the grave.
All that we are searching for in life is already present within ourselves. The sooner we come to believe in the power of our own imagination, the easier our lives will become. I challenge you to stretch your mind to the possibility of accomplishment beyond your present aspirations. What if, in an attempt to reach your goals, you awakened the powerful latent genius within? How would you feel if you found the cure for AIDS or cancer? Think of the people who would benefit from your achievement. The reality is that until everyone on the planet imagines a world of health and vitality for all, there will always be disease and woe. Take charge of your life now. Imagine your way to health and happiness and it will be so.

0 Creative thinking and the music

What is the connection between music and the brain? Is it possible that music can help you think better? The research says yes, and after telling you about some of it, I'll let you in on an even faster way to boost your brain power with music.
<b>Music And The Brain - The Research</b>
The research shows that music actually trains the brain for higher forms of thinking. Listening to, and participating in music also creates new neural pathways in your brain that stimulate creativity. An article in a Newsweek (2/19/96) reported on a study from the University of California.
In the study, researchers followed the progress of three-year-olds, split into two groups. The first group had no particular training in, or exposure to music. The second group studied piano and sang daily in chorus. After eight months the musical three-year-olds were much better at solving puzzles, and when tested, scored 80% higher in spatial intelligence than the non-musical group.
<b>Brain Music</b>
A study on music and the brain, done at UC Irvine's Center for Neurobiology of Learning and Memory involved 36 students. They were given three spatial reasoning tests on a standard IQ test.
Just before the first test, they listened to Mozart's sonata for Two Pianos in D Major, K. 448 for ten minutes.
Before the second test, they listened to a relaxation tape.
Before the third, they sat in silence.
The average scores for all 36 students: 1st test: 119. 2nd test: 111. 3rd test: 110.
That's an average increase of 9 iq points from listening to Mozart. It's assumed that their intelligence didn't increase, but that the music put them in a state that gave them better access to the resources of their brains. However, other studies do show that repeated exposure to slow music can permanently increas you IQ, so play that Mozart!
<b>Brain Wave Entrainment</b>
Your brain wave frequencies vary according to the state you are in. For example, daydreaming and meditation usually take place in the "Alpha" range of frequencies. Alert concentration is in the "Beta" range. "Brain wave entrainment" products have beats, usually embedded in music, that your brain starts to follow.
If you listen to music containing beats at a frequency of 10 Hz (in the Alpha range) it will feel very relaxing. This is because your brain will begin to follow this frequency and reproduce the rhythm in the music. You'll generate more brain waves at a 10 Hz frequency and enter a relaxed Alpha mental state. This is the idea behind brain wave entrainment.
This may be why some types of music have certain effects, but not all brain wave entrainment Cds use music. Some use the raw "binaural beats" as they are sometimes called, embedded in white noise, or in sounds of nature. (I have used these products and find them to be pretty powerful , especially the ones for relaxation.)
Whether you use "binaural beats," or just pop a Mozart CD into the player, you can increase your brain power easily. Try it today. It is doubtful that Mozart will harm you, so why wait for more research to be done on music and the brain?

0 Warning Tv watching make you can't sleep

Watching an exciting movie in the evening is a favored way for many people to relax after a long day of work. They look forward to getting home, having dinner and then sitting down to be entertained. After hours of watching television, they decide to turn in for the night and instead of falling fast asleep, they spend the next several hours rolling around in their bed, suffering from insomnia.
When we watch something exciting or thrilling on television, our adrenaline gets pumped up and it becomes difficult to calm ourselves down to a point where sleep comes easy. Our minds also become engaged and trying to quiet that down can be a problem, especially if what we were watching was troubling or upsetting. If our emotions are running high and the end of the day is near, we might either lose sleep because it takes longer to fall asleep or we suffer from insomnia and wake up the next morning having had little or no sleep.
We don't always associate our insomnia with what we've done in the evening. Instead we attribute it to work problems or other worries. That is true at times but it might be that our minds wander to other things as we lay in bed unable to sleep because we've been so stimulated by our viewing choices. Television has a direct impact on a person's emotions and if you've spent the last two hours before bed watching a horror movie, your heart has raced enough that simply falling fast asleep is no longer an option.
If you feel as though you might be losing sleep because of what you are watching in the evening, finding another activity might be the key you need to a full eight hours of straight sleep.
Some suggested alternatives are:
Reading a book or a magazine. Choose something that you find genuinely interesting to read, this will help you relax and will aid in sleep.
Play a board or card game with your family. Spending time with those you are closest to is a perfect way to wind down your day.
Take a warm bath. Immersing your body in a tub full of warm water helps to relax your muscles and soothes the body helping with sleep.
Take a walk. Getting outside and exercising can tire you out enough that you'll drift quickly off to sleep.
Mental stimulation is important when it comes to driving, studying and learning. There are moments in our days when we have to be completely alert and awake. One time we don't want that to happen is in the evening as we get into bed. Your evening activities can be a precursor for whether or not you'll suffer from insomnia.
Choose to spend your time before bed doing something relaxing that allows you to calm down and prepare your body for a full night's rest. Exciting activities are better left to earlier in the day when you want and need to be wide awake.


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