
الأربعاء، 9 يناير 2013

0 The importance of bieng a vision owner

For many years I heard that you had to start with a vision for your business or your life if you really wanted to succeed, but no one could explain to me why it was needed or how it worked from a practical or scientific standpoint.
When I was young and naive, I was skeptical and wanted empirical evidence showing me why I should invest my thoughts and time into really thinking about a vision for my life and business, and why getting absolutely clear by writing it down was imperative to my achieving success.
Even though I couldn’t find adequate answers at the time, reluctantly, I did as others suggested purely because they were far more successful than I. As I was told "don’t ask so many questions" and "just do it," I temporarily gave up my need for so many answers-but not for long.
At the ripe young age of 21, I created a grand vision for my life and my career. Even though I had only graduated from high school, and everyone told me that you need a college degree to really succeed,  I took a different approach and got into business at a very young age.
For the next 26 years, I stayed on a healthy mental diet to train my brain, and followed the belief of allowing the universe to guide me and bring me whatever I needed to fulfill my visions of being financially free and living an extraordinary life.
After building four multi-million dollar businesses-one of which grosses more than $5 billion a year in sales and having made millions of dollars for myself and others, I began to search for the answers to the question I’d had 25 years earlier. Why is having a clear and precise vision so important?
I couldn’t help wanting to know why. As a child I was very curious and my parents could not answer many of the questions I had about success. After all, they only had a total of 5 years of school between them and had never made more than $30 thousand in a year.
Since I wanted more for myself, I sought out the best minds, researchers, and teachers in the world to teach me how to have an abundant life in all areas.
So, what did I learn that you can apply immediately and benefit from my lessons?
Simple: without a clear and precise vision of exactly what it is you want, you’ll never reach it or have it.
Now of course I will not leave you hanging without understanding why.
My research has taken me into the world of quantum physics and neuroscience for the answer to the question "why is it so important to start with a vision?"

0 Knowledge is a tool not a power

Whoever first said that knowledge is power was probably selling encyclopedias. Knowledge is a tool, like money and influence. Tools are only powerful if they are used effectively. How, then, do you make a headful of knowledge into a powerful tool?
 1. By seeing clearly what can be done.
 2. By seeing clearly your own limitations.
 3. By acting on what you know.
Wise Action, Not Knowledge, Is Power
Investors often learn so much that they think they can consistently predict the course of the stock market. In reality, there are probably fewer than ten old investors that have never lost money. Wise investors know that the best they can do is get the odds in their favor, so they'll have more wins than losses. You have to see the limitations of knowledge.
I can read about how to sing, and even get advice from a voice coach, but I can't sing well. I'm not saying that I could never sing well, only that right now I cannot. If I'm not willing to do what is necessary, then I would be wise to look for a non-singing way to make money. You have to see our own limitations.
The most important part of making knowledge into power, is to act. You can study political philosophy and every aspect of the political process for a decade, and still have no power. Power is in the effective application of what you know.
Imagine an inventor with a hundred ideas on paper. He has a head full of knowledge, and a creative imagination, but nothing to show for it. Now imagine a simple man with one new invention, who understands the limits of innovation without marketing, and sees his own limitations in that area. He seeks out the people that can help, and makes a million. Now that's power.

0 Know more about your thinking style

Thinking it is said is one of the toughest things to do. Many of us say that they will think about something and then revert. You must have heard this many times. Do these people really think? What do they do? Do they look at the problem in total perspective, think about different actions that could be taken and find out the consequences and then find out the best option? No, not many of us do that.
Most of us do sloppy thinking. We don't strain our mind, but find out a convenient answer that does not need much thinking and present that as their conclusion. We come across many issues in our life. Dating, studying, taking a career, selecting a job, look for a home, and so on. Do we think about every option and weigh it or find out cursory details and decide?
You must have read lot of history and geography. How many times did you think about the times described, about the people, the kind of lives they led and their knowledge? not many of us do that. Every news that we come across has something to think about. But we don't. Why none of us thinks about why all of us want to know so much about how celebrities live and their love and career? What does that information give us except some entertainment for few minutes? But we don't think. We don't think about how to use our time effectively.
Do we think about what our political leaders say? Do we think about why we are looking for a date? Do we think about why our relationship is breaking? We pretend to think. But we don't normally carry out any analysis. Sloppy thinking leads us nowhere. It produces bad results. To think means - to try and understand every aspect of the given problem, its past and what the future may entail.
What kind of thinker are you? Why not find out with some fun quizzes about your personality. They will surely make you think.

0 Replace your impossible goals with a possible ones

Many of us, whether we know it or not, live within a prison of our own making. This prison has no metal bars, nor can its walls be seen by the naked eye; however, it is every bit as effective in keeping us from our freedom as a real prison cell. It’s called our comfort zone
Comfort zones can take on a variety of different forms, from the area in which you live and the circle of people with whom you socialise, to the amount of money you earn.
The primary force that keeps you living within your zone is your fear-based belief about what will happen if you move outside it.
Regardless of how ridiculous or unrealistic that belief may be, you will accept it as truth depending on the level of certainty you feel.
Your comfort zone is not really comfortable at all, but is really a virtual prison that keeps you from evolving and growing as a human being.
The bars to that prison are your fears about what may possibly happen if you move beyond them. The key to your freedom therefore lies in the removal of the underlying beliefs that cause those fears to exist.
Just for a moment think about a goal or dream you have that seems somehow out of reach. Now check to see if achieving it requires that you move out of your comfort zone and into unfamiliar territory.
It could be a dream job, a new relationship, starting your own business, losing weight, or living in a totally different part of the world.
As you do this little exercise notice how a subtle feeling of fear or nervousness begins to emerge in your chest or stomach area.
This is your unconscious mind springing into action with the intention of dissuading you from doing anything it perceives may put you in danger.
Most of the time you won’t notice the constant influence your comfort zone plays in your life, and you might find yourself placing the blame for your lack of progress towards your goals on laziness or procrastination.
However, if you stop and consider just for a moment why you can’t seem to get that item crossed off your to-do list, make that phone call, or fill out that application, you will begin to realise the true cause: What you want to do is outside your comfort zone.
It is your beliefs that direct your mind to do this; therefore, in order to break through your self-imposed limitations and achieve the success you desire, you will need to remove them.

0 Renewing the imagination power

It is a common belief that the human brain is somehow empty at birth, and as the child begins to grow and receive stimulus, the neurons start making connections. Science is now discovering, however, that the reverse may be true. The infant is actually born with many more neuron connections than most adults have. It may be that learning does not happen by making neuron connections, but rather by “weeding out” those that are not used. If this is true, then we are all, literally, born with brilliant minds and we must “use it or lose it.”
In the first weeks of life, most babies will babble every possible sound imaginable. Yet, these children will later lose the ability to create sounds that are not a part of the language they have been trained to speak. Therefore, the child’s environment will play a tremendous role in brain development.
Scientists claim that in our society the average individual uses only 5 - 10% of the brain's potential. Imagine what your life could be like if you were able to stimulate your mind into activating even a small portion of that unused potential!
Begin by asking yourself:
1. If I could have anything at all, what would it be?
2. What would I need to do to attain it?
3. What stops me from doing those things now?
4. How can I overcome those challenges to attain the life I desire?
These questions move us into the realms of imagination and positive thinking -- the qualities that will allow you to awaken that other 90% and keep those neurons firing! Now you might say to yourself, “I already have a positive attitude,” or, perhaps “that positive stuff doesn't work -- all I need is willpower!”  But the following demonstration proves that the imagination is far more powerful than willpower can ever be.
Okay, ready for the test? Gather all of your strength and "willpower." Be sure NOT to do the following … here it comes … DON'T think of a red firetruck!!
What happened?
You automatically thought of a red firetruck, right? This is because when the “will” and the “imagination” are in conflict, the imagination always wins. Most people spend a great deal of time telling themselves what they DON’T want, instead of what they DO want. Even with every ounce of willpower they can muster, they somehow end up with more of the same old thing. That’s because the mind works in pictures, not words. Imagination is the secret ingredient of life. If people imagine themselves “rich,” regardless of the amount of money they have, chances are they will be healthy and strong and live an abundant life. If a rich man imagines himself poor or on the brink of losing his fortune, it is likely that trouble and sickness will plague him to the grave.
All that we are searching for in life is already present within ourselves. The sooner we come to believe in the power of our own imagination, the easier our lives will become. I challenge you to stretch your mind to the possibility of accomplishment beyond your present aspirations. What if, in an attempt to reach your goals, you awakened the powerful latent genius within? How would you feel if you found the cure for AIDS or cancer? Think of the people who would benefit from your achievement. The reality is that until everyone on the planet imagines a world of health and vitality for all, there will always be disease and woe. Take charge of your life now. Imagine your way to health and happiness and it will be so.

0 Creative thinking and the music

What is the connection between music and the brain? Is it possible that music can help you think better? The research says yes, and after telling you about some of it, I'll let you in on an even faster way to boost your brain power with music.
<b>Music And The Brain - The Research</b>
The research shows that music actually trains the brain for higher forms of thinking. Listening to, and participating in music also creates new neural pathways in your brain that stimulate creativity. An article in a Newsweek (2/19/96) reported on a study from the University of California.
In the study, researchers followed the progress of three-year-olds, split into two groups. The first group had no particular training in, or exposure to music. The second group studied piano and sang daily in chorus. After eight months the musical three-year-olds were much better at solving puzzles, and when tested, scored 80% higher in spatial intelligence than the non-musical group.
<b>Brain Music</b>
A study on music and the brain, done at UC Irvine's Center for Neurobiology of Learning and Memory involved 36 students. They were given three spatial reasoning tests on a standard IQ test.
Just before the first test, they listened to Mozart's sonata for Two Pianos in D Major, K. 448 for ten minutes.
Before the second test, they listened to a relaxation tape.
Before the third, they sat in silence.
The average scores for all 36 students: 1st test: 119. 2nd test: 111. 3rd test: 110.
That's an average increase of 9 iq points from listening to Mozart. It's assumed that their intelligence didn't increase, but that the music put them in a state that gave them better access to the resources of their brains. However, other studies do show that repeated exposure to slow music can permanently increas you IQ, so play that Mozart!
<b>Brain Wave Entrainment</b>
Your brain wave frequencies vary according to the state you are in. For example, daydreaming and meditation usually take place in the "Alpha" range of frequencies. Alert concentration is in the "Beta" range. "Brain wave entrainment" products have beats, usually embedded in music, that your brain starts to follow.
If you listen to music containing beats at a frequency of 10 Hz (in the Alpha range) it will feel very relaxing. This is because your brain will begin to follow this frequency and reproduce the rhythm in the music. You'll generate more brain waves at a 10 Hz frequency and enter a relaxed Alpha mental state. This is the idea behind brain wave entrainment.
This may be why some types of music have certain effects, but not all brain wave entrainment Cds use music. Some use the raw "binaural beats" as they are sometimes called, embedded in white noise, or in sounds of nature. (I have used these products and find them to be pretty powerful , especially the ones for relaxation.)
Whether you use "binaural beats," or just pop a Mozart CD into the player, you can increase your brain power easily. Try it today. It is doubtful that Mozart will harm you, so why wait for more research to be done on music and the brain?

0 Warning Tv watching make you can't sleep

Watching an exciting movie in the evening is a favored way for many people to relax after a long day of work. They look forward to getting home, having dinner and then sitting down to be entertained. After hours of watching television, they decide to turn in for the night and instead of falling fast asleep, they spend the next several hours rolling around in their bed, suffering from insomnia.
When we watch something exciting or thrilling on television, our adrenaline gets pumped up and it becomes difficult to calm ourselves down to a point where sleep comes easy. Our minds also become engaged and trying to quiet that down can be a problem, especially if what we were watching was troubling or upsetting. If our emotions are running high and the end of the day is near, we might either lose sleep because it takes longer to fall asleep or we suffer from insomnia and wake up the next morning having had little or no sleep.
We don't always associate our insomnia with what we've done in the evening. Instead we attribute it to work problems or other worries. That is true at times but it might be that our minds wander to other things as we lay in bed unable to sleep because we've been so stimulated by our viewing choices. Television has a direct impact on a person's emotions and if you've spent the last two hours before bed watching a horror movie, your heart has raced enough that simply falling fast asleep is no longer an option.
If you feel as though you might be losing sleep because of what you are watching in the evening, finding another activity might be the key you need to a full eight hours of straight sleep.
Some suggested alternatives are:
Reading a book or a magazine. Choose something that you find genuinely interesting to read, this will help you relax and will aid in sleep.
Play a board or card game with your family. Spending time with those you are closest to is a perfect way to wind down your day.
Take a warm bath. Immersing your body in a tub full of warm water helps to relax your muscles and soothes the body helping with sleep.
Take a walk. Getting outside and exercising can tire you out enough that you'll drift quickly off to sleep.
Mental stimulation is important when it comes to driving, studying and learning. There are moments in our days when we have to be completely alert and awake. One time we don't want that to happen is in the evening as we get into bed. Your evening activities can be a precursor for whether or not you'll suffer from insomnia.
Choose to spend your time before bed doing something relaxing that allows you to calm down and prepare your body for a full night's rest. Exciting activities are better left to earlier in the day when you want and need to be wide awake.

الثلاثاء، 8 يناير 2013

0 Prepare your body to improve your mind

physical disciplines like Youga must be used to increase mental and spiritual powers.
this brilliant man met Russian sports and performance scientists who had been studying indigenous health system in the Ural Mountains for a century. There, they found movement and wellness concepts equivalent to anything in China or India. They shared many of these concepts with Sonnon, and invited him to share them in turn with Americans. Over the years, Coach Sonnon has created hundreds of books, videos and essays on his interpretations of this core knowledge.
Perhaps the single most important in terms of Body-Mind is what he calls the “Flow State Performance Spiral.” In order to relate this breakthrough thinking in such a short essay, we’ll have to condense considerably:
1) All physical technique is composed of three aspects: breathing, movement, and structure.
2) Each of these aspects is controlled by the other two (breath is created by movement and structure, etc.)
3) Stress “dis-integrates” this structure. In other words, when you are under stress, the physiological signs will manifest in your breathing rate or shallowness, your posture, your muscle tension. This is why lie detectors work!
Before he died, Hans Selye, the creator of the “stress” concept, said that he had misspoken himself, that it is not stress that hurts us, it is strain. Stress is the pressure we are under. But strain is the degree to which that stress warps us out of true.
Stress is not the enemy. In fact, when handled healthfully, it is the primary trigger for growth. So the key is to avoid strain.
Let’s skip around a bit to a truth about artistic and intellectual pursuits: your ability to utilize your intelligence, education, skills or talents will be in direct proportion to your ability to maintain “flow” under stress. Or to put it another way, in life, we are rewarded for how much stress we can handle without folding. Writer’s block, for instance, is nothing but a poor reaction to performance stress.
Combining these ideas, what we have is that mental and emotional balance under stress leads to excellence.
life creates more stress than lack of oxygen, and learning to remain calm in the midst of oxygen debt will teach you to remain calm when the children are screaming, when your boss is on the rampage, when someone cuts you off on the freeway.
Or when you have a writing deadline, or when insecurity and fear hammers at the door of your resolve.
Deliberately practicing a physical discipline to enhance this quality of calmness and centeredness, while simultaneously working toward goals balanced in body, mind, and spirit, exposes you to the currents of life while helping you develop the skills and strategies necessary to excel. This, over time, leads to excellence, even in a purely mental arena.
There are numerous disciplines that will teach proper breathing under stress, and this article has listed a few. If you wish to reach your maximum potential as a mental, spiritual, and emotional being, seek one of these techniques out, and integrate it into your life. It is one of the best investments you could ever make in your future.

0 Renew your need to learn

How much do you know? Is there anything that you are curious about, something you would love to learn about? Whether you realize it or not, you are learning new things all the time. Every day you learn about the weather and about the people you encounter. You learn things at your school or your work. You learn that you feel better when you exercise and eat well and that you feel worse when you eat only junk food. It is pretty amazing how much we learn without even trying to learn.
Do you rememeber when you were a child and everything was new and exciting for you? The smallest bit of dirt or seeing a new flower color could keep you busy for an hour. If you are old enough that you have forgotten your childhood, look at the children around you. See the wonder and curiosity that they live and learn with each day. Do you miss having that kind of approach to life? No matter your age, it is very possible to return to the place where you love to learn and experience new things.
Take a close look at your life right now. Are you satisfied with the things you know? Are you constantly expanding your understanding and your knowledge? If not, now is the time to begin. Perhaps begin by making a list of some things you would like to learn about or activities you would like to learn how to do. Have you always wanted to learn a second language? Go to a local library and check out some books or audio tapes on starting to learn the language. Or perhaps you have always wanted to pick up a new hobby like golf or tennis. Sign up for a lesson and see what you can learn.
You will be amazed at the richness that is added to your life when you commit to learn new things. No matter how busy your schedule at home or at work is, there are ways to learn as you live. Do you spend a lot of time in the car? If so, get some educational books or materials on tapes or cds and start to learn something new when you are in the car. You can begin to love learning as you find easy ways to include it in your days.
When you learn to love learning your life will never be the same. Life will never be boring or dull regardless of your circumstance. Days will pass with the wonder and excitement that comes from learning something new and valuable. So think about everything that you still want to learn. Choose one thing from the top of your "to learn" list and begin learning today. You will find that your list grows so that you will always be learning and never knowing enough.

0 The new books are not the best choise

With the increased cost of printing and publishing, buying new books is becoming a very costly affair. However, students and researchers need not worry as they can always buy used books from any local bookstore.
Books used by students, scholars or professors do not always end up at the state library and instead end up at the local resellers. These stores work as a bridge between those who want to dispose off their old books and those who are looking to buy. Books often tend to be out of publication or are very difficult to buy owing to their scarcity. The best solution to the situation is to buy used books.
It is surprising to see the used books collection that many of these resellers have. From used text books to old magazines and journals, you are sure to get almost anything that you have been searching for. Used college books are one of the most common items that people look for. From astronomy to animal husbandry, history of Everest climbs to that of the ocean's deepest trenches - a huge collection of used books are available at the resellers. It is highly unlikely that you will be able to get the desired college book at the first instance itself. To buy that coveted book you may have to visit a few resellers and rummage through the used books stock before you are finally able to find it.
The biggest advantage of used books is their low prices. But when you buy used books the condition of the book is the foremost thing to consider. It is advisable to check the books, especially to see that the books contain all the pages including the index. Often resellers tend to put an attractive cover to hide the book's damages. You should also be aware of the prevalent market price of the book to ensure that the reseller is not making considerable profits by charging higher than the normal.
Not only can you buy used books but you will also be able to sell used books or exchange used books at the reseller's. Barter of used books is a good idea, as you can always pick up something useful in exchange of books not needed anymore.
So the next time you want to add a missing edition to your National Geographic collection or buy a part of the Britannica Encyclopedia series, you know where to look.

0 Improve Your Memory

“Oh God, tomorrow is exam! Will I remember what I have studied?” This fear haunts many students. Now, don’t fear friend. You can remember what you study.
Provided, you use those study methods that help your brain to remember better.
Here are five ‘Brain-friendly’ study methods that help to improve your memory and remember your study lessons easily:
1.   Study with short breaks
Take short breaks while studying. Do not study continuously for more than 30 to 45 minutes.
Give a break of five to ten minutes in between two sessions.
Such short breaks give rest to your brain and help it to reinforce what you are learning. This will make it easy for you to understand more and remember better.
Do not read any new information during these short breaks. Just relax or walk around.
2.  Explain to yourself
Explain what you study to yourself. Pretend you are both the student and the teacher, and try to explain the chapter or study topic to yourself.
This kind of ‘explaining’ automatically helps you to learn the subject in detail. Hence you will remember it clearly.
3.  Discuss
Discuss important study topics with a willing classmate. Holding such discussion will jog your memory. This is like another form of revision.
Also, you will become aware of important points about those study topics. This will help both you and your classmate to learn more and remember more. 
4.  Sleep well
Yes, sleep cosily. Good sleep is essential for good memory.
Recent research has shown that lack of sufficient sleep interferes with memory function. Because during sleep and rest period, our brain processes and consolidates information which it records during the day.
So do not skip sleep; especially during the exam days. Sleep for at least six hours. Eight hours is best.
5. Eat Well
Now what has eating got to do with remembering more? Simple. What we eat affects our brain’s performance. Poor nutrition leads to learning and memory problems.
So make sure you include nutrient-rich food items like--whole grains, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and milk in your diet. This will keep your brain healthy and happy.
The above five remedies are easy to follow. They definitely help to strengthen your memory and achieve more success in your studies.

0 When the computer be you enemy

The old cliché, "If you want a friend, get a dog" still stands in the 21st Century.  It is well established in the medical community that animals can do much to extend the human life span as well as improve the quality of life.  Don't live on or vicariously through your computer.
A pastor once said his job was to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable.  Thus we have the difference between a real live pet and an inanimate electro-mechanical object - in this case the personal computer.  The pet comforts while the computer, improperly used and/or over used, is a thief and a murderer.
Besides, the computer, especially if you run a Microsoft Operating System and Microsoft production software, requires much more maintenance than does a pet.  This alone is enough to drive most users' blood pressure through the roof.  How many times do you suspect that needs to happen before it begins to take a toll on the human body?  It is even more aggravating than the days when we only received three (3) snowy channels on a small black and white television and each channel required another trip outside in the
rain, in the cold, in the snow, in the heat to adjust the huge antenna attached to a corner of the house which spilled the rain directly into your face as you looked up to see in which direction the antenna was pointing.  If you were lucky someone was in the house calling to you when you got the best picture.
You know what I am talking about... like when your computer locks up with a box popping up on the monitor's screen saying it needs to restart now, and won't let you do anything else until you acquiesce and reboot.  There goes your last few minutes of work.  Another blood pressure jump!  It sure is for the Tennessee Mountain Man!
Father may know best, but mother knows even better and she always made the children set across the room from the TV concerned about it ruining their vision.  Now that same mom allows the children and grandchildren to set on top of a twenty-one (21) inch monitor,  even closer to a laptop, and play games ad infinitum.  The result being more and more of our children are wearing glasses and contact lenses at younger and younger ages.
Mom also insisted that little ones spend much more time outside playing in the yard than obsessing over the magic box in the corner, and the children were healthier.  There were fewer cases of childhood diabetes and hardly any childhood obesity.
Children learned skills greater than cheating x-box and PSP, and mom and pop never heard of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  The computer man and everyone else is seemingly required to work on or at computer consoles to some extent these days.  As a result, the entire family now either suffers from a computer related ailment or is at real risk of developing one.
With the advent and prevalence of the personal computer and gaming gizmos, the heart, which is a muscle, gets little or no exercise.  As if the TV did not create enough couch potatoes resulting in what amounts to atrophy of the heart muscle, the PC seems to have claimed the remainder of man.
A computer cannot hold you on cold nights or enjoy a walk hand-n-hand with you in the moonlight. It cannot comfort you when you are sick or improve your mood when you are sad.  It cannot feed you when you are hungry nor give you a drink when you are thirsty... at least not yet.  The PC cannot yet carry on a civil or reasoned conversation.  Irrespective of one's addictions and all the attractions on the internet, it is not true social interaction and it certainly cannot satisfy the libido try as some may.
Used improperly it can and does drive wedges between husbands and wives, and between children and parents.  Like a drug, once addicted, and it is addictive, it can cost one his job and it has.  Like a nosy gossiping neighbor or ticked off lover, it has the propensity to tell the world (friend and foe alike) everything it knows (both good and bad) about you.  And, in case you didn't know, there are hackers from people with malicious intentions, to your employer, to Microsoft, to insurance companies, to financial institutions, to the government who have the ability to ask your computer what it knows about you whenever they wish.  And, your computer... your friend in whom you confide everything, like a spurned lover is more than willing to betray her paramour and spill her guts literally.
My computer... my friend?  With such friends who needs enemies?
If you don't know how to protect yourself from a gabby computer you might want to seek the help of professionals like the folks at Remote Helpdesk 1.  Now shut the glib computer down, and go outside and play.

0 Reading Magic

an old man said “Books make a complete man”
this mean that yesterday like today !

The Simple Magic Of Reading the young generation might have lost interest in reading books because more and more forms of entertainment compete for their attention. Movies enchant them, music and MTV grab their attention, and computer games challenge their skills. This is very disheartening, especially if we will take into consideration the vast amount of knowledge that we miss if we fail to read voraciously.
Maybe we must only remind ourselves of the reasons why we must read. Knowing the right reason will motivate us enough to immediately grab that novel, newspaper, magazine, or pamphlet that we have been ignoring all along.
We read to be informed. The primary reason why people usually start reading is that they want to be informed. They want to know more about life, human nature, people, civilization, issues, and society in general. We get to know what is happening around the world and how to cope up with changes. Through the pages of a book, we learn by indirectly experiencing various social phenomena.
We learn from the triumphs and downfalls of men throughout history through their life stories. Biographies allow us to live by their examples. We get to know the mistakes committed by people from generations before us so we need not go through the miseries they experienced.
Moreover, we enhance our capability to express ourselves through language and the arts. We learn from the patterns by which word combinations may be used. We learn new words each time we open a book and new ways to use old words.
We read books to be entertained. Depending on their type, reading materials allows us to experience a range of emotions, such as loneliness, anxiety, nostalgia, joy, anticipation, surprise, anger, despair, etc. Altogether, through books, we experience humanity.
An author once wisely said that reading a novel is very similar to watching a movie in our minds. Although sometimes it is better to read the book version of a story than see the blockbuster film version because of missing plots or elements and ruined flow of narration.
We read books to be empowered. One example of this is our seemingly perfunctory habit of reading the newspaper. Though it may appear like a ritual to some, browsing through the daily news has a purpose. It informs us about the latest global occurrences.
We keep track of events, see them from the perspective of both sides, and place events in the context of general societal conditions. This allows us to synthesize, formulate a stand, and decide the appropriate action for a better world.
We read to be informed, entertained, and empowered. Reading allows us to explore magical worlds, worlds that once existed and will exist in the future. Reading flexes our brain muscle enhancing creativity and imagination.
Go ahead, grab a book and have a grand time reading!

0 You Can Stop Smoking

Stopping smoking is more difficult to the smoker more than non-smoker think .
You need to first really come to terms with the fact that stopping smoking is not easy.  You may find that it takes you years to actually quit for good.  This is not uncommon, but is something that can serve as a huge disappointment if you are trying to quit in only a couple of weeks.  If you are not able to quit when you really want, but you are showing signs of serious progress you should still take this as a good sign of progress.  Any signs of progress should be celebrated no matter how small they are; of course, large signs of progress should have a larger celebration though in order to be truly successful.
One mistake that many smokers make is trying to pick out a single approach to quit smoking.  You probably do not easily fit into a single category if you tried to describe yourself, so your smoking likely will not either.  This means you probably need to spend a good amount of time considering different options and techniques to help you until you find the combination that works best.  If something is not working you need to take advantage of the ability to change.  There are enough products on the market that finding something that suits your needs really is possible, just be willing to look for something whenever necessary.
Always choose a non-stressful time to stop smoking.  If you are already stressed out when you start trying to quit you will find that it is much harder to quit.  One example, would be attempting to quit smoking right as you are bringing a new baby home.  While this might seem like a fabulous idea so that your child is not exposed to the second hand smoke, it is also a very stressful time.  You should instead try to quit before the baby is born, or wait a while after the birth for the best chances at success at quitting for good.
One of the biggest secrets that people will not tell you is the fact that you really can quit.  In addition, if you really are determined to quit you may not even need the expensive stop smoking aids that are on the market.  Just the mere desire to quit for good is often all that is needed, but you need a super strong support team in place to make this happen.  What often happens is smokers become so determined that expensive stop smoking aids are needed and they convince themselves that without these gadgets and contraptions that they will not be able to quit.  If you look beyond the attractive packaging, you are often left with nothing more than something which will keep your hands occupied or help distract you during periods of strong urges to smoke.  Looking for alternatives can often be much cheaper, as well as just as effective in the end.

0 Make your child save money

Learning the children the value of money and how to deal with money
Give your children an allowance that is age appropriate.  For our kids, they get half of their age in allowance.  So, on their birthday, they always get a 50 cent raise.  We provide chores during the summer and expect them to help out when needed during the school year.  Set some rules for earning the allowance and an amount for your children.
Now that they are earning some money, teach them about saving it.  Many banks have savings accounts for children.  Help them decide how much money they want to have to spend and how much to put away.  Make them a chart that keeps track of their money so they can watch it grow. 
Let them spend some of it and be silly.  Part of the fun of having money is spending it.  I had a friend who would not allow their child to spend any of his money.  He had over $100 in the bank but couldn’t use it.  Letting your kids spend their money teaches them the value of things and how to use money wisely.   Make sure your kids only spend what they have.  Don’t loan money against the allowance they will receive.  Our boss doesn’t give a paycheck advance, kids need to learn this too. 
Teaching your kids about money will provide them a valuable tool for when they are older and get their first job.  Make spending and saving money a success for them.

0 Anger chlid dealing skill

The parents must have dealing with the childern skill.
A child's mind is as a rule not developed sufficiently enough to deal with intense feelings such as anger. Children are not equipped to clarify their feelings. In order to create anger management programs that will help children, the individual needs to recognize how a child's mind works, as well as what interests them and use this knowledge to develop an effective anger management program for children
Children are familiar with worksheets, coloring pages and puzzles. These kind of activities are used every day in the school setting so incorporating anger management lessons into these activities makes sense. These worksheets can be made fun and interesting. These worksheets can teach techniques and strategies for controlling anger in such a way that children will comprehend and react to. Using well-known situations in coloring pages or related words in puzzles may help a child to deal with anger issues without making the situation complicated.
Children love playing games. In addition to using worksheets, it might be helpful to include games into a children's anger management program. Designing activities that include role-playing may help children to realize that they can not always be the center of attention. Anger management for children can be taught in all sorts of ways that will be both productive as well as enjoyable.
Listing different possibilities for their anger and having them read over them to see which statements apply to them might be beneficial in treating kids with anger issues. Simple sentences, using everyday dilemmas that a child may encounter could be used in these anger management worksheets. Children may not even realize the reason for these worksheets yet they may be providing relevant information that can help in treatment of the problem..

0 How to make a decision

Acquire more information about youe life and yourself situation to not be like a lost tourist
You cannot discover the self-confidence to make a decision when you know so little about what you are faced with. Ask the five W's: what, who, when, where, and why. What is the situation? Who are the people involved? When did this happen? Where is this leading? Why are you in this situation? This is imperative. Oftentimes, the reason for hesitancy is the lack of information about a situation.
*Identify and create options.

What options do the circumstances present you? Every now and then the options are few, but every so often they are many. However what do you do when you believe that the situation offers no options? This is the point in time that you generate your own. Make your creative mind work. From the most basic to the most complex, think about every one of the ideas. At times the most extreme idea may possibly prove to be the exact one in the end.
*Weigh the pros and cons of every option.
Evaluate every one of your options by looking at the advantages and disadvantages it offers you. In this way, you get additional insight about the consequences of such an option.
*Trust yourself.
Now that you have assessed your options, it is time to have confidence in yourself. Keep in mind that there are no guarantees.  So choose...decide... believe that you are choosing the most excellent choice at this moment in time.

0 Dreams from impossiple To possiple

Over and over again, we dream big dreams and have enormous aspirations. Unfortunately, our dreams remain just that - dreams.
Life could be a great deal better, if only we learned to aspire higher. The most widespread difficulty in setting goals is the word impossible. For the most part people get hung up thinking I can't do this. It is too hard. It is unattainable. No one can do this. If everyone thought that, there would be no inventions, no innovations, and no breakthroughs in human achievement.
If you limit yourself with self-doubt, and self-limiting assumptions, you will in no way be able to break past what you consider not possible. If you reach excessively far out into the sky without working towards your goal, you will find yourself clinging to the impossible dream.
As you break up your dream into achievable steps, you will find out that the goals you thought were not possible become easier to bring about. And the not possible begins to seem possible after all.
Thomas Edison once said that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Nothing could be truer. For one to achieve his or her dreams, there has to have been hard effort and discipline. But take note that that one percent has to be a think-big dream, and not some easily accomplished one.
Think big and work hard to accomplish those dreams. As you step up the ladder of progress, you will just about find out that the not possible has just become a little bit more possible.

0 Recycling Things To be beauty arts and crafts

There are so many ways to integrate recycling with arts and crafts and still have hours of entertainment and maybe make a few holiday gifts.
One of my favorite crafts is to decopauge.  The materials needed to do this are simply old magazines, a pair of scissors, some white glue and something to decorate.  I've seen people use this art medium on every kind of article from wooden boxes up to queen bed head boards. 
Once you have the item (or items) you want to decorate you can put them aside and start flipping through the magazines for pictures and words that jump up at you or help convey something you want to say.  The great thing about this craft is that there is no "wrong" way to do it.  Some people will use an entire advertisement including the background in the ad and others may cut out the person or object from the background.  The idea is to have a piece of a page to be layered upon the object to be decorated.
After you have enough pictures and words cut out you can start to decorate your object.  The ideas and creativity, from this point on, are endless!  Use all cut outs of flowers and birds to decorate your project, cut out every picture of a dog and see how many you can find and use all of them to decorate your recycled project!
Arrange your clippings onto the surface of whatever it is you're going to reuse or decorate and put a layer of glue over the entire project.  Using white glue or Mod Podge will give you a clear coating over your art and when that layer is dry, coat it again, and so on.  The coatings of glue will protect your artwork and if you use a gloss-finish, it will have a nice shine to it, too. 
I started making "Blessings Boxes" for the Christmas gifts I would give to my children's teachers.  I would reuse an old shoe box, and cover the entire outside of it with cut out pictures from magazines.  The main objective was to cover up the shoe brand on the outside of the box with the pictures and words.
The idea behind the "Blessings Boxes" was that throughout the year, when there was a blessing in their life, maybe a ticket stub to a baseball game or a movie shared with a friend, birthday cards, get well cards, etc. they were to place these blessings into the box.  The best part is that, during that year, when they had a day where they would feel blue or needed a smile, they knew they could always open their "Blessings Box" to be reminded of the beautiful things that have happened in their life. 
These gifts were the talk of the elementary school the first year I made them and I will say that at the very beginning of every year after, my children's teachers would let me know how beautiful they thought my creations were and (wink, wink) they wouldn't mind getting one for themselves!
The best part is that I never spent extra money making one of those gifts!  It was a success all due to being recycled materials.

0 Learning Responsibility

It is so important to teach your kids responsibility,I watch parents that will not allow their children to do anything because they don’t want to deal with the mess, they feel their child will fail, or they don’t want to take the time.  Yet, a responsible child needs these skills to be successful in school and to build a strong sense of self.
There are many things you can do to teach your child responsibility.  This is an important part of parenting.  We will briefly discuss a few ideas.
Give your child chores or things around the house that they must do.  Start a small child out by having them make their bed and put their toys away.  Give older children jobs that must be done every day, or every week.  Giving them work to do around the house helps them belong more to the family and the home.
As our children grow, we can continue to provide opportunities where our children can learn and develop.  Teaching responsibility now will help them make correct choices later in life.  This is such an important skill to learn, and one that is easy to teach if we take the time. 

0 7 Tips to Controlling Your Urge to Smoke

Trying to quit smoking is a very lengthy process.  This can take a very long period of time such as several years, or it could be something much shorter like only a few weeks or months.  The exact time frame that it takes to quit can vary greatly but what is important is ensuring that you are coming up with a plan to combat your urges to smoke.  At some point in your experience trying to quit you will encounter a situation where the urge to smoke is very strong.  How you handle this situation will go a long way towards your ultimate success.  Being prepared for the urge to smoke will ensure that you have a plan to keep your willpower strong and continue on your path to quit smoking successfully.
Tip 1.  Take the time to decide exactly when you typically smoke.  For example, after meals, after a jog around the block, or even after your shower each morning.  Knowing when you typically smoke will put you in a good position to create a plan to combat the urge.
Tip 2.  Create a plan of attack.  This could be something as simple as a stress ball for your hands, or even just a piece of hard candy to keep your mouth busy.  If you really enjoy the taste and feeling of a clean mouth you could try brushing your teeth each time you want to smoke, or suck on a mint flavored candy, which will freshen your breath.
Tip 3.  Avoid the temptations that lurk.  If you go out to eat, make sure you are sitting in the no smoking area.  Avoid going into tobacco stores, and also try to limit the amount of time you are around other smokers.  If you are continuously around cigarettes, it will be much harder to resist temptation.
Tip 4.  Clean your house of all smoking instruments.  This means all ashtrays, lighters, matches and get rid of the smell of cigarettes.  Products like Febreeze are great for helping to get rid of cigarette smell, which can also trigger an urge to smoke.
Tip 5.  If you have a place where you typically smoke when you are at home, think about rearranging the area.  If you are able to break the routine of the situation, you will be able to resist temptation much better.  This works best if you always are in the habit of smoking in the exact same place, such as a living room looking out a window.  If you move the chair to a different area of the room, or refocus the center of the room then you can help to avoid the temptation to smoke whenever you are sitting in the chair looking out the window.
Tip 6.  Write down your goal to quit smoking.  This may seem like a minor detail but in reality, it can go a very long way towards ensuring that you keep your priority to quit smoking at the top of your agenda.  If you just tell yourself that you want to quit smoking, you are more likely to cheat and ultimately give into the urge to light up again.  If you have written your goal down, you are going to be more likely to actually follow it.  This goes for quitting smoking, losing weight, changing your exercise routine or anything else.  Written down goals can improve accountability significantly.
Tip 7.  Do not discount yourself.  If you are absolutely certain that you can succeed you will be much more capable of the success that you need.  It is important to believe that you can succeed.  This will help you to stay strong anytime a serious urge kicks in.  If you decide to slip up consciously, you are going to find it is much harder to gain back any slack that you have cut for yourself.  However, if you hold fast to your dedication to quit smoking you will find that each time you have an urge it is easier to handle.

0 Help others with your knowledge

Did you thought about bieng a teacher or Lecturer in your expert field ?

Did you thought about your community and learn them your knowledge ?

College and universities that offer continuing education programs are also eager to have you! They are constantly looking
for people to teach about popular topics and even some not-so-popular ones. What they want to see if that you are enthusiastic
about your subject matter and that you really know what you are talking about.
You do not necessarily have to have an advanced degree to teach continuing education courses. Instead, the best thing to
have is experience and respect in the industry. Examples of professions that are constantly in demand for continuing
education courses are things like art, photography, fashion design and writing.
You will have to commit to teaching the class for an extended period of time in order to be hired for a teaching position.
You will also have to come up with lesson plans to show to the continuing education coordinator before the class starts so
they will know you are serious about the class and teaching others about what you know.
So how can you find out about opportunities? The best way is to find out where continuing education courses are held in
your community and ask if your services could be used in an upcoming course. If so, ask them how you could go about starting
a class of your own. Most coordinators will be delighted to have you. If they are not delighted, simply move on and find a
program that is interested in your unique skill set.
Do not keep your knowledge to yourself. Teach it to others in a continuing education course and help those students learn
more and become a better person in the field, just like you. They will get the satisfaction from having the knowledge and
you will feel good about helping people learn about themselves and the subject matter you love so dearly. There really is
no better feeling than helping someone learn something they did not know before.

0 How To Save Your Youth beauty

1-Take care of your teeth. Ever notice there are a lot of old people who only have false teeth? This is because as we age, our body absorbs and stores less calcium (which also explains why old women are prone to osteoporosis).
So avoid losing your teeth permanently. Brushing every after meal is the most basic yet the most helpful habit for a good-looking set of teeth. Use teeth whitening products that can make you teeth white and shiny. Coffee and tea can stain your teeth instantly so a brush after is really helpful.
Going to the dentist at least twice a year is very important. And never forget to drink at least two glasses of milk a day, like what we teach to the real young ones.

2-No matter what you do, whether you have a demanding schedule or just being lazy in your cozy home, make sure you are getting enough sleep- and a good one at that. Your eyes will first tell if you have had enough sleep. A pair of eye-bug-free and sparkling eyes definitely makes you look younger. But how many is the suggested sleeping duration?
Perhaps you were brought up thinking that you should sleep at least 8 hours a day. Well, you should not. A new study says that those who sleep 6-7 hours live longer and healthier. Too much slumber is not good for you. In fact, sleeping for five hours is better than sleeping three hours more than that.
To have a good sleep, take some natural soporifics.  These are substances that can induce sleeping. Milk is a very good example. Sex and a little aerobic may also help you sleep well.

3- Read a book every day to refresh your memory and to know what new .

4-Keep you hair short. A long hair puts in more years to your appearance, actually making you look like a tired and worn-down witch. Trying a shorter do can improve your youthfulness. Tell your hairdresser to give you side swept bangs to expose your beautiful face. Adding layers can also make our hair look lively and shinier. A little highlight may also do. Putting on a darker hair (dark brown or black) does not only make you younger, but also coats up those grey hair.

5-Live in a clean environment. People who live older like the centenarians have some surrounding things in common: little stress, unpolluted air, good water, and unspoiled nature. Planting more trees in your area and planting more plants in your garden can help you provide cleaner air. More plants in the area mean more oxygen to breathe. Remember that what we breathe is the exact thing they exhale, and vice versa.

6- (for women) Do not put a lot of makeup. Yes, makeup can make you look pretty. But its amount, composition, and its style can make or break you. Keeping makeup light won’t make you look like a villain. Use more pastel colors and those with lighter tones instead of the dark antagonistic-like colors. Also try lipsticks with brown shade. These would make you look more natural and a lot of ears younger

7- Enjoy with the weekend holidays because it refresh the look to the life.

الاثنين، 7 يناير 2013

0 Learning to Play the Chords

Learning to Play the Chords

To learn reading the chords of a guitar, one must have the basic knowledge on what a chord is and how is it produced.

A chord is a set of tones producing a melody and is played on a guitar. The chords of a guitar can be made up of different notes that are played one string at a time whether doing it on a plucking or strumming method. Chords are played with two or three notes, can be more than. Some are played with only one note.

Categorically, there two kinds of chords – minor and major. And the basic primary chords herewith are the C,A,G,E,D or CAGED. If you are new on playing the guitar, mastering the CAGED pattern must be the first and foremost thing you should do. A lot of artists who mastered these basic chords confessed that it paved the way for easy manipulation of the other difficult chords.
Reading a Diagram

The very basic thing that you should know when learning the chords have to be learning on how to read the chord chart or chord diagram. Without these, you’ll be left in a dilemma.  

A chord diagram is an illustration with instructions on how to play a particular chord. To be able to achieve a successful guitar manipulation, there should be a good interpretation of each chord stated in the diagram and the musician must read it in the most accurate way.
Following the CAGED pattern

Imagine yourself looking at a guitar. Now put your attention at the fret board. You’ll notice that a whole fret board is composed of 6 strings attached to it. Well, not basically “attached” but on top of it. These strings are the ones making it possible to produce the chords and melody. If you’re going to focus on fingering first, might as well memorize the different chords produced in every fret. There are five basic and easy chords that will enhance you to learn other harder chords.

Oftentimes a lot of beginners complain how sore their fingers are after finishing one session with their guitar, its a normal reaction. You should be surprised if you’re not hurting even a bit, this means that you’re not playing it right. The proper way to carry out fingering is pressing your fingertips hard enough on the strings. When you notice that there is a buzzing sound or the echo is not going the way it should sound, try to press harder on the strings.


1) Cut those long fingernails. They will make it difficult for you to press the strings correctly.
2) Don’t let your fingers lie down while playing for they tend to mute some strings. This is the most common mistake done by newbies.
3)Be sure that your fingertips are the ones that are in contact with the strings and not the place where fingerprints are taken. Maintain the straight arch. Aside from the fact that this is exhausting, this is also painful and difficult but will pay off as soon as calluses are produced.
4) Remember that you should press the notes altogether. Make sure that no strings must be left out.
5) Practice. Memorize each chord pattern.
6) Don’t rush yourself. If you do, it’ll just frustrate you if you don’t get it. Choose songs that are easier to play.

0 Learn to Play Guitar Note

Learn to Play Guitar Note
When playing any musical instrument, you need to learn how to play the notes. If you want to play any instrument, you have to have one and this is especially true if you want to play a guitar. The notes are played on the guitar’s fret board. Learn to play guitar notes now and you too can conquer the guitar’s fret board.
You don’t have to be scared of the fret board. Even if it seems that it’s hard to learn the notes, if you really want to learn how to play the guitar, this should not discourage you.
Playing the very first songs on your guitar will be easier if you know the notes on the first guitar string. On this string, there are three notes – E, F (first fret), and G (third fret). The second string is B, C (first fret), and D (third fret). Now that you know the notes, you have to conduct some exercises. Slowly play these notes and make sure that you concentrate to learn notes well.
You don’t have to say all the notes out loud when you’re practicing. You can do this inside your mind and then slowly play them. You must know the notes as well as their names, and most especially their sounds. Know them by heart. You can start by playing simply melodies like that of nursery rhymes.
After mastering the notes on the first two strings, you have to proceed on the third string. G is the open string and the other note is A (second fret). When you know these notes already, start playing them together with the other notes you’ve learned previously. Again, you must stick with simple songs. You don’t have to work on all the notes at once. Try to master each of the notes and learn them consciously. Even small children can learn guitar notes easily. Follow these steps and in no time, you can play the notes on the guitar.
Learning to play guitar notes will be very hard if you don’t have your own guitar. You can’t depend entirely on the music sheets that you have. You have to hear the notes being played on the guitar’s fret board. Many beginners fail to learn because they don’t have guitars on their hands. Once you learn the notes, you can now read advanced music guitar sheets.
Everyone knows nursery rhymes and even if you’re all grown up, you still know these songs. It will be a lot easier to learn the notes by using these simple songs. Once you master and memorize the notes, you can now play the songs that you like.
Guitar notes are not really hard to learn as long as you know what to do. You don’t need an expert teacher in order to learn these things. You can teach yourself these note lessons by using DVD programs or internet guitar programs. You can also use an instruction book. Still, if you can afford the expensive guitar teachers, you can always hire them. But let this serve as a reminder, no matter how good your teacher is, if you don’t have the right attitude in learning, you will not learn anything.
You see, guitar playing is like the lessons that you learn in school. You must know the notes by heart, you have to be motivated and you must be persistent.

0 Acoustic Guitar

Taking Easy Lessons with an Acoustic Guitar
An acoustic guitar is a wooden instrument that’s shaped like the number eight and has a hole at its middle part. Often mistaken as a classical guitar, an acoustic guitar is hollow and is composed of six strings made of steel. These strings, when struck, produce sound.
Enough of the slight introduction. That just gave you the idea of what an acoustic guitar looks like and what is its purpose. Enumerated in lessons are steps on how to play an acoustic guitar successfully without the thought of giving up that easily.
1. Before starting, be sure you have a guitar. Acoustic guitar to be precise. It doesn’t matter if its old or new for as long as its acoustic.
2. Choose the best website that can provide you with all the options on the how and what of handling a guitar. There are tons of websites designed to offer a great amount of resources and knowledge regarding instruments. Catching up those sites can also provide free online lessons.
3. Have an idea on whom to patronize. Some musicians play for the sake of popularity while some play for an artist’s sake. Choose someone who plays for good music. Artists like John Mayer are most popular on this category. Remind yourself that acoustic guitars aren’t exclusively for the mellow ones but for all sort of music.
4. Memorize the physical parts of your guitar. Remember every angle and functions built with it. Understand how they produce such sounds and how it turns out bad. You might think this isn’t vital. But fact is, this is one of the most important things you should remember when handling and playing an acoustic guitar.
5. Learn the basic chords first. Aside from that, learn the different ways to play those chords. Example, C has more than 6 different hand positions. This will add more flexibility on your hands when moving from one fret to another.
6. Master your chords by not looking at them every once in a while. Practice the muscles of your hand while talking to someone or listening to the radio. The purpose of multitasking is to help you avoid looking more often on your hands while playing. This is a good strategy for easier retention of the different chords and to make your hands familiarize itself with the different frets.
7. Practice at least 5 days a week for at least two to three hours. If you’re really itching to be on the pedestal, learn to be patient. Everyone has to start somewhere. And that somewhere is from the very basic. Apart from that, practicing daily entails proper body mechanics. Meaning you have to learn to position your body in a manner that won’t strain your muscles and body parts.
8. Build up those callous on the tip of your fingers. This is painful, very. But as you go on with your lesson you’ll realize that calluses are with good use. Calluses make your fingers numb. Thus, making it easier for you to play.
9. Upon learning the easy part, put extra effort on learning the hard parts of the chords. Barre chords are considered the most difficult part of playing an acoustic guitar. Most beginners skip it. Word of advice, don’t.
10. Rest. Don’t exhaust yourself if you can no longer go on. Do it the next day. Remember, learning doesn’t have to be an obligation but a right. It has to be slow but accurate.

0 Learn Guitar online

Online Lessons for Guitar Playing

Tired of the old and conventional way of learning to play a guitar? Most beginners depend on self study. Yet they find it hard to create something out of completely nothing. If you really love to play the guitar but you don’t have anyone to guide you, the best advice would be trying an online way of proficiency.

What are the things you’ll need to achieve an absolute and efficient way of acquiring the proper strategies and knowledge through the net?

You need a connection. Of course this is the most important thing when you have decided to go for online tutoring. Next on the list is your guitar. Pick the right guitar. There are only two kinds to choose from – acoustic or electric.

 Then you have to redeem your attitude by thinking on the positive side. Above all, you need to have a goal. Organize yourself. Remember that you are alone on this educative process. No teachers. No musical instructors. Nobody is present to comment on your mistakes and your fingering. So you have to be religious about it.

After establishing yourself in front of the computer monitor, you must have all the things needed, especially a guitar. That you know already. But aside from that you have to make sure that your computer has a fast and powerful online connection. A DSL connection can also add up to the speed ability.

Search the web for the most informative and effective sites where you can focus all your time practicing. If you are using an acoustic guitar, which is preferred on learning occasions for it is cheaper and highly dependable; go to a site where acoustic lessons are taught. But if you have the money to purchase an electric guitar, perfect. For electric guitars are easier to manipulate though there are a lot of contraptions that needs to be attached.

Read the course descriptions. Never miss a single line. Understand how to go about the details. Download some important attachments and files. This would come in handy if you have forgotten a couple of things. Lessons like these can give you a better foundation to attain acceptable results.

Follow the instructions. Do a step by step outline, don’t rush the learning process. If you have difficulty with one direction, focus on that weakness and practice it regularly. You don’t have to practice for perfection but for knowledge and adaptability. On the first weeks of tutorial things might get pretty messy and quite difficult. But as days progress; you’ll start to notice massive improvements.

An online teaching session includes information about different sequential courses like how to read tabs the right way or how to put those fingers on the proper strings. This not only gives out techniques but also provides songs that are easy to play. And what easier song than that of something you truly love.

If you get really lucky, you’ll be seeing yourself strengthening those strumming skills in a matter of weeks.   

To compare the advantage and disadvantage of choosing an online tutorial, one of the dearest benefits is that it is readily available. You can download and order a virtual set without the hassle of being locked up within tons of wannabes making their way through the music store. Another advantage is that an online learning experience is always updated and more advanced.

One very typical disadvantage is the autonomy of learning. You, alone are the teacher and the student. Nobody would tell you how things are going out of hand.

0 Learning Guitar Software

Learn to Play Guitar through Freeware
You can find a lot of information online about guitar playing. For those of you itching to learn how to play a guitar, you now have a chance to learn through freeware. But before anything else, you need to know things like the guitar instrument and some facts about it.
One of the most popular musical instruments created is the guitar. Many individuals want to learn to play this instrument but most of them fail because they soon grow impatient especially in learning the guitar chords and notes. Other methods of learning to play the guitar will give you long nights of practice but with little progress, sore fingers, and numerous teachers. This is why many individuals who want to learn to play guitar easily and fast turn to the freeware found online.
There are a lot of freeware found online especially about playing the guitar. You can choose freeware that is suited for beginners, for advanced players, and intermediate. It is very important to choose the right freeware so that you can learn the right stuff.
As the word suggests freeware is for free. Now, you must know that most guitar software packages will cost you some money but it is already considered much cheaper than other methods of learning to play guitar. By conducting a thorough search online, you can find many freeware that will suit your learning needs.
Once you’ve chosen a few freeware, you can now choose the best one. Just make sure that the freeware you’ve chosen is of good quality. This way, you will not be wasting any time on poor quality freeware.
You can save a lot of money and time by using freeware. You can learn at your own pace without any pressures from a guitar teacher. You will learn about the guitar basics, technical stuff about playing guitar, the chords, the notes, and many others. You can learn different levels of playing the guitar. Thanks to the freeware found online, you can become one of the pros.
One should not go through all the pain of learning to play guitar. With the new technology enjoyed by many people at present, the learning process is shortened and you get to spend only a little amount of money. And when you’re using freeware, you only need to spend money on the guitar and other accessories and most especially your precious time.
Guitar lessons online are the true solutions to the growing demand for guitar teachers, instructions books, and other learning programs. Aside from it being cost effective, you can log on to the internet at your most convenient time and in even your own homes.

Don’t waste your time in guitar software packages that cost you huge money. Find the appropriate freeware online and learn to play the guitar fast. Shop around for the right guitar and some guitar accessories like guitar amps and guitar pick. By having the right attitude towards learning to play such musical instrument, you will have little problems in the future.
Learn to play guitar through freeware. Find one now and see if it really works. You can either learn to play alone or have some friends around who are also guitar enthusiasts. Have fun because that’s one of the secrets of playing the guitar. If you’re not enjoying it, then you will never learn; so you’d better enjoy and learn.

0 Learn Guitar

Play the Guitar-Fast, Easy and Efficiently
Not everybody is gifted with the art of music. Some can sing with it or dance with it but only a few chosen ones can actually play a specific musical instrument. It would take all of your endearing overflowing patience and precious, precious time to create one piece of melody and make it whole. This is one predicament most beginners have when learning to play something.

This article would be discussing how to play one musical instrument that is pretty considered as the most popular among other instruments for the reason that it is one of the cheapest and handy instruments you can drag along anytime, anywhere you want – the guitar.
Several professional guitarists admit that they have to give it their all to perfectly master the art of playing the guitar. It took them a lot of determination and patience to learn which is the finest key to learning, not only a guitar but any other instrument alike.

But if you’re still having second thoughts, and yet you really, really want to learn, erase the negativity and begin as early as possible. What better time to start than now.
Below are some of the basic steps on how to ease your way through guitar playing.
Step 1. Decide on what type of guitar to play with. There are basically two types – acoustic and electric. To differentiate, an acoustic is more preferred than the electric although the electric is easier to manipulate. Either way, never start your lesson without having a guitar. It’s like going to school without your books.
Step 2. Be equipped with the right references and materials that you can single-handedly use. Though having someone around is better than being alone. If you’re lucky enough to pull someone along the way of learning, be sure he or she knows something about guitars. Let him or her tune your guitar or teach you how to properly tune a guitar. He or she could also perform some examples and comment on your work.
But if you are alone in this fight, try purchasing manuals or if you have an internet connection in your home, try searching the net for websites that offer free tutorial and instructions. There are numerous sites that can teach you step by step on how to execute a chord.
Step 3. Memorize the important basic chords. Not just mentally, but physically. It is not only important that your mind remembers each note and fret but it is also essential that your fingers and hands create proper communication in between notes to maintain equilibrium and efficiency.
If you’re starting to develop blisters on the tips of your fingers, that would be an advantage for blisters, in time, can form calluses that can make your fingers numb and can make you play better without the pain of pressing on the strings.
Step 4. Practice. Make it a daily habit. If possible, be attached to it. Never leave your guitar just lying around and idle. Always play with it. Be addicted. Never give up on your endearment for you will reap what you sow, don’t give up just yet. Focus. Hard times are for beginners.
Not unless you have the power to master playing the guitar for only a day, practice is always a better way to enhance your skills.

0 Choosing the Best Guitar for Learning

A Beginners Pick: Choosing the Best Guitar for Learning
So you ask, what would be the most appropriate and best type of guitar to use and prove your skills on being an artist someday? Would that be the bass or electric? The answer is within you.

Try to ask yourself what suits your taste for music. Are you the moody type? An alternative type perhaps? Are you more on the jazzier side or just plainly characterized by the Spanish feel? Choosing depends on the kind of music you listen to or appreciate.
Every beginner has some confusion in selecting the finest guitar they could posses. The difficulty in purchasing a guitar is as difficult as deciding who is hotter, Angelina Jolie or Jessica Alba? To get over with the hassle, below are some tips on picking the best type of guitar that would fit your desire for melody and tune:
1. Reflect on your music. This matters a lot. This is all that matters. In fact, it is the music that we listen to that influences us to play something. When you hear the strumming of a guitar, do you consider yourself listening to the lighter side of things or more on the hard core part? The music that you listen to is the very basis of your choice.
2. Check your budget. How much would it cost? Is it worth the savings? Try to question your better judgment on how to determine a cheap yet good guitar. If you have a limited amount on your hand, go with the one that matches your money. Don’t settle with something you love yet the price isn’t that friendly. But if you saw something that made your heart melt, and you’d really, really, really like to have it, ask someone who works inside, a saleslady, perhaps, who could help you work out on something, like paying for it on an installment basis. Good communication results in better understanding.
3. Decide on the type of features that your guitar would have. Once you have gathered your resources, specifically financial resources, it’s time for you to get your hands on that guitar you’ve set your eyes for months. With a wide variety of guitars nowadays it’s hard to determine whether you have made a good choice, from electric to bass, acoustic to classical, and so much more to choose from. Most beginners elaborate more on the tune, while others side with the style.
Still, if you can’t decide between two great choices, have a friend who is adept on playing a guitar accompany you and let him determine which one would be more appropriate. Never be secluded on your decisions.
4. Choose between acoustic or electric. There are two sides when choosing which is which. The pros and the cons are oftentimes weighed. Compared to an acoustic guitar, an electric guitar is easier to operate but is more complicated with all those strings attached and buttons to push. Once you play an electric guitar, you need to buy other equipments like an amplifier, cable and pick.
The only disadvantage with an acoustic guitar is that it is harder to manipulate than that of the electric guitar. Aside from that, it is the most advisable type of guitar to play with. No picks needed. You can play with it just by strumming the tip of your fingers on its strings. And, it’s cheaper than an electric guitar.
Now that you have your options, start deciding on what you think will suite you. Choosing is not difficult but you have to consider a lot of principles.

0 Questions About Youga

Frequently Asked Questions On Yoga


  Yoga has been around for an incredibly long time and over that period different practitioners have added their own refinements and styles into the basic Yoga discipline.  There are so many different styles now it is nearly impossible to count, but they all stem from the same core philosophy and methodology.  Unfortunately the multiple different styles often lead newcomers to the exercise discipline to become very confused as to what they are doing and what they can hope to achieve with Yoga.  In this article we answer some of the common questions.


What is Yoga?


  This question is the most common from newcomers.  Most people have a general idea but they are not sure where Yoga fits into the world.  Is it an exercise?  Is it a philosophy?  Is it a form of physical therapy?  Is it a spiritual process?  The answer is that to different people Yoga is all of these things.  At it's core it is a group of exercises and poses which are very low impact and work by strengthening the body and increasing it's flexibility through static exercise.  This means that each pose will 'stretch' a certain area and the body benefits from this stretch by increased blood flow and energy release.  Many of the exercises release tension from areas of the body that regular activities do not cater to.  Because Yoga is performed slowly and with a strong emphasis on correct breathing patterns there is also a strong mental and spiritual element to the exercise.  It is seen as a way of cleansing mind, body and spirit.


Do I Need To Be Religious To Get The Most Out Of Yoga?


  As mentioned above Yoga is different things to different people.  There are many people in the world who perform Yoga purely for it's spiritual benefits.  There are many others who perform Yoga purely for the physical benefits associated with it.  What you get out of Yoga will depend largely on your mindset, your openness to new ideas and your ability to let yourself fall fully into a meditative state.  For some people this is very difficult at first, but that is still not going to prevent them from getting the physical benefits associated with Yoga classes.  You will find that even if you do not have any strong spiritual base you will still benefit from an increase in your self confidence and personal contentment.


Where Can I Do Yoga?


  Practically anywhere.  Many people practice Yoga in their homes every day.  Others will go to the local park and practice Yoga with a group of friends.  To begin with it's a good idea to inquire at your local gym about Yoga classes, many of them will be holding Yoga every day.  Even if they aren't they will be able to tell you where the best place to learn Yoga is.  Some local councils sponsor Yoga classes in their area in recognition of the benefits to people who exercise regularly.  One of the big advantages of a Yoga based exercise regime is that there is no expensive equipment to buy and then store around your house.  Some poses are assisted by cushions to support the body, but in general the only thing you need is your body.


I'm Not Very Fit - Is Yoga For Me?


  Yes.  Very much so.  One of the fantastic things about Yoga is that the exercises and poses you will learn can be adjusted to your level.  Fitness isn't usually a problem because the exercises are slow and often static, but your body will become better at performing them over time as your strength and flexibility improves.  Knowing your limit and ensuring that you don’t ‘ease up’ out of habit gain the best benefit.


  Hopefully you will now have a good understanding of what yoga is and why you should be doing it.  Remember that Yoga is something that once learned can be practiced anywhere you like and as often as you like.  Indeed, this is one of the key components of Yoga's popularity.


0 Learn Youga Step by Step

Learn Yoga - Step by Step
  The benefits of Yoga are well know to everyone who has ever tried the discipline but if you are new to Yoga let me recap.  Yoga is a fantastically popular and effective way of strengthening you physically as well as mentally and spiritually.  This last 'spiritual' aspect may turn some people off, but it's not something that needs to be associated with religion.  Really the best alternate word for the spiritual strength of Yoga is contentment or happiness.  It allows you to be a calmer person and more happy with yourself.  Put like that it sounds pretty great doesn't it?
  So you've probably heard a little about Yoga and wondered what it's all about.  you probably have a few preconceptions and maybe an image of an old man with a long beard sitting in the lotus position springs into your head in automatic association with the word.  Let's go through step by step what you can expect in a typical Yoga session.
Step One:  The Introduction and Preparation.
  Most Yoga classes begin in a standing position.  There are both mental and physical reasons for this and they are closely connected.  The standing position is the most natural Human position there is.  Leonardo Da Vinci produced a famous scientific picture of the symmetry of the human body when it is in it's natural standing position.  The outstretched arms and legs can have a perfect circle drawn around them and this is true of everyone regardless of their height or weight.  What this means is that a standing pose comes naturally to us - we are not worried about getting it wrong and we can concentrate of the state of the body.  Breathing exercises will be a key part of the warm up stage for your routine.  This is the only time in your life you will be 'taught' to breath and it's a skill which allows people to restore calm to their bodies and thoughts.
Step Two:  The Main Routine
  This is the art of your Yoga session which will vary the greatest depending on what forms of Yoga you are learning.  While the individual exercises you will be doing are going to be quite different, the nature of them will be very similar.  This will mean moving into certain poses and positions and holding those poses to allow the body to stretch out muscles and muscle groups that in many cases haven't been given much attention during the week.  Some Yoga teachers will talk to you about energy points of chakra's.  These are important junctions in your body where congestion occurs and stretching them out allows energy to flow freely around your body.
Ste Three:  Ending the Session
  While the main session is about releasing pent up energies, this stage of your Yoga workout is all about allowing that energy to flow around your body.  Many people have trouble with thinking about some strange mystic force that is flowing through you and driving it to certain parts of your body.  If you are one of them just mentally substitute the word 'energy' with the word 'blood'.  We know that the job of blood is to carry nutrients and oxygen around our body, and we know that if any part of our body is lacking in this supply that we will become ill, so it's not a huge stretch to think of blood as the mystic energy force that brings health around our body, and exercises such as Yoga as being the method of ensuring the smooth and successful flow of that blood.


0 Youga in life

  Yoga is different things to different people, so what it means to you will depend greatly on how you were introduced to it and how you enjoyed your initial experiences with it.  For some people Yoga is simply a method of exercising that ensures they have a healthy supple body.  For other people Yoga transcends a method of exercise and is a spiritual experience that allows them to find the balance and centring their lives need.  This type of Yoga comes closer to a life philosophy than any other.


  Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga is often placed in this final type when assessing it's place as a Yoga discipline.  It descends from a document known as Korunta Yoga which deals with the 8 spiritual movements which are described by Patanjali in Sutra Yoga.  Today most Yoga disciplines are directly descended from the descriptions of Yoga exercises in these documents, and so most forms of Yoga are variations of Ashtanga Vinyasi. 


  Getting a complete understanding of Ashtanga Yoga is important as it's proponents treat it as more that a form of exercise.  While it's base is in physical movement it is suggested that it's power in fact comes from the strength of spirit that is developed from regular and disciplined practice of the 8 stages of Yoga.  Through the eight stages of Yoga the body and mind become pure, and so they are seen as a purifying discipline. 


Furthermore the discipline of Ashtanga Vinyasa deals with a profound and deep way of relating to others.  The closest word to describe this aspect of the Yoga discipline is manners, but it really does go beyond that.  Yoga is a discipline of balance, and the physical balance required to complete many of the exercises should be mirrored by an internal balance or harmony of the soul.  It is said that a hyperactive person canot be successful with Yoga and this is true on several levels.  Firstly they lack the discipline to sit calmly through the exercises, but they also lack the mental calm to focus wholly and completely on a single task.  Yoga requires deep concentrating on the simple act of breathing and feeling the breath bring life to different areas of your body.


  The power of Yoga is found in it's combination of the physical strength and flexibility needed to complete movements and the mental discipline that is required to maintain them.  Yoga is not just a form of exercise but most often it is thought of as a form of meditation.  Meditating successfully with Yoga requires a pureness of thought and singularity of focus that is not found in most modern exercise programs.  It seeks to bring the body back into balance and focus on maintaining that balance.


  This aspect of Yoga is often misunderstood, but balance plays a huge role in Eastern Medicine and the purpose of Yoga and similar meditative techniques is often no more than to achieve and maintain the level of balance that keeps our bodies healthy.  Yoga teachers will often talk about one-ness and inner harmony, and this can be mis-interpreted by people who lack a holistic understanding of what Yoga seeks to achieve.  Simple the harmony that is achieved through Meditation and Yoga is a self-contentment or acceptance of oneself.  This shows that the first step to becoming completely happy and healthy is to be content with yourself and your life.



0 3 Common Mistakes by Yoga Newcomers

3 Common Mistakes by Yoga Newcomers
  Whenever we start something new we have a certain feeling of trepidation and uncertainty of the unknown and in most cases it is completely unfounded and we get on with things very quickly and easily.  Sometimes it isn't and a simple little thing can cause us to have an entirely negative first impression and perhaps even never want to try that activity or passtime again.  Yoga has so many health benefits, on both a physical and spiritual level, that it would be a tragedy for anyone to miss out on them because they made a silly avoidable mistake on their first day.  With that in mind this article addresses the 3 most common mistakes of new Yogi, and how to make sure they don't happen to you.
Mistake One:  Not knowing what you want from Yoga.
  The reality is that there are numerous different styles and forms of Yoga and each has it's different attractions.  Ask yourself what it was about Yoga in general that attracted you and then you can investigate a style that caters more specifically to that.  You may like to set goals, be they physical, mental or spiritual.  If you do then it's a good idea to discuss them with the instructor of your class before you begin.  Yoga instructors are usually very approachable and happy to talk about their passion.  They will be able to talk to you about your goals for the class and let you know if you are being realistic, aiming too high or too low.  Make sure you goal includes a timeframe so it becomes something that is measurable.
Mistake Two:  Jumping in Feet First.
  Having decided that they will give this Yoga thing a try many people take a running leap and jump in to a 12 month stage by stage class.  These classes are usually an upfront payment arrangement and progress from one level to the next as the weeks progress.  They are a fantastic way of learning Yoga and becoming very good at it, but it's quite possibly you will choose a class that is not ideal for you.
  The best way around this is to join a Yoga beginner class, also known as a drop in class.  If you do these classes for a few weeks you will notice a high turnover of students as new people join and old people move on.  These classes are designed to give you a very broad feel for the different types of Yoga.  The level of the students in the class usually varies greatly so you can expect the instructor to keep the classes quite tame.  The other key benefit of doing this is that the classes are pay as you go so there is no big financial outlay for you while you decide the type and style of yoga that best suits you.  You are also not obliged to attend every class.  With the longer courses you can fall behind quickly if you miss a week or two in a row.  With the pay as you go classes you will find that while each class is different the level stays quite low to cater for the newer people joining in.
Mistake Three:  Choosing the wrong teacher.
  Traditionally a Yogi had to be an apprentice to a skilled Guru for many years before he could teach even the simplest of Yoga technique.  Nowadays a 3-day course over a long weekend is considered enough by some people.  There is a big difference in what you will achieve depending on the skills and abilities of the person teaching you.  Yoga is starting to make a regular appearance on the sports injury list and a large reason for this is instructors who have been taught just enough to be dangerous.  A qualified teacher won't necessarily be fantastic and an unqualified teacher won't necessarily be terrible - but the odds are certainly cast in that direction, so it's a good idea to check your instructors background and qualifications before you begin studying with them.


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